Thursday, November 02, 2006

Rum Island
Kathleen Wobie

"My days at the High Springs paint out were a delight. Being next
to the flowing Santa Fe for 3 days from morning to late afternoon
offered so many wonderous moments - beautiful color, birds
singing, people kayaking and canoeing, folks visiting and chatting
about the paintings.

I also had fun the first day painting one of
the cottages in town - it threatened rain and was overcast all day
- this made for interesting low, steady light.

The other wonderful thing about the event was visiting with the
other artists. Having done a number of paint outs now, I have
come to know so many wonderful painters - talented, inspiring
artists who share a vision of Florida. This is a state that needs
a village of visionaries who want to keep its beauty for future

Being able to support the organizations who will
benefit from the sale of our paintings is something I'm very happy
to be able to do. I want to thank everyone who helped in this
paint out effort - thank you so much."

by Kathleen Wobie

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