Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Planning A Successful Paint Out

from Linda Blondheim

I have helped plan many paint outs over the years and the following are very important to success.

Here are the expectations the artists should have for a profitable paint out:

Bottled water available all day. 2 meals every day.

Assistants to help with equipment.

Courtesy tent or home base for artists and patrons, with maps to painting locations, a leader board with names and locations of artists during the event, PR materials from the artists to hand out, an emergency medical kit, sun screen, bug spray, one easel for artists in case one breaks, a minimal tool kit with duct tape, wrenches, hammer, heavy duty stapler, nails for emergency repairs.

An assistant who can run to art store for unexpected supply needs. For example, easel is knocked over and paints are lost, etc. A sturdy table space for framing work and a storage area for wet paintings for each day of event.

Adequate publicity for artists and the event. Without good publicity it will be a waste of every one's time. A gala opening to culminate the event, where paintings will be sold.

A pre-paint out blog or web site like this one would build interest from patrons.

Boxed patron/artist lunches are a fun way to connect each to the other. Inviting a patron to have lunch with their favorite artist is a great way to build interest.

Have a metal and plastic yard sign that sticks in the ground with Artist Working printed on it. Give one to each artist to carry with them, wherever they go to paint.

Press packets used often, and sent to all local and regional newspapers where artists live. A catalogue for the event with artists names and contact info. A poster would be advised and local businesses would need to be contacted to provide sponsorship. Sponsors would pay for all related expenses for the paint out.

Many art supply companies would donate items and equipment and at the very least, their PR materials.

Host families or hotel accommodation for artists for each night of the event.
Above all, a good contact person for the artists. A facilitator who will be a go between for the artists and coordinators.

Quality Artists will make a good paint out. The best, most experienced painters should be invited and only the best. Don't try to get 50 mediocre artists when you can have 25 really good painters.

Expectations for artists from sponsors:

Firm commitment and follow through on artistÂ’s part.

Good communication with coordinators.

Bio/resume and PR materials handed in on a timeline.

Local and regional press contacts for artists along with bio and other materials requested by the coordinators.

A positive professional attitude in dealing with coordinators and with the public.

Leave your ego at the door and be a team player.

Arrive on time and be prepared to work with all materials and equipment in good condition.

Appropriate framing and installation equipment.

Following directions of coordinators.

Gracious attitude toward hosts.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It was a joy to work with the artists that came from all over the Southeast to paint North Central Florida. I consider it a pleasure to reveal to many of the artists springs, swamps and the Florida State Parks along the Santa Fe River for the first time. O’Leno State Park and Camp Kulaqua allowed the artists unique access and a rare glimpse of our area, ranging from the boardwalk following the spring run of Hornsby Springs through the quickly changing light of a cypress swamp to the banks of the Santa Fe River in O’Leno State Park were the river goes underground to mix with our aquifer before surfacing in the River Rise State Preserve.

At the O’Leno State Park swinging bridge, the Santa Fe River was not flowing and the paintings reflected a lot of rocks in the riverbed. I spoke with artists about Vinzant Siphon upstream that was capturing the Santa Fe River. Siphons (sometimes called swallets) are places where local rivers and streams either completely or partially go underground to mix or become the Floridan Aquifer. Vinzant Siphon is largest unfiltered direct contributor of surface water to the Flordian Aquifer in the Santa River Basin, possibly in North Central Florida. Protecting upstream lands is imperative! We must educate all people, kindergarten through adults, about the intimate relationship between surface water, with all its runoff, and the Flordian Aquifer - the source of our drinking water.

Although not on the list of locations provided by The High Springs Gallery, visiting artists were led by local artists to outstanding places to paint such as Japhu Springs at Rum Island and, of course, Ichetucknnee Springs. “Wow this is beautiful” was the most common response by artist experiencing these places for the first time. I also wanted to educate the artist about our unique springs sheds such as the headwaters of the Ichetucknnee River being Lake City, Florida over 30 miles away. The underlying message of this being that whatever homeowners, farmers, and businesses of Lake City pour on the ground or spray in their yards eventually flows to springs along the Ichetucknnee River.

I personally want to thank the artists and volunteers for their support of Current Problems and its program Adopt A River – with this collaboration we can continue to bring this most important water issue to light!