Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Rum Island
24x24 inches
oil on canvas

Linda Blondheim

" I like to have a plan before a big paint out. I spend time getting my paint box cleaned out, making sure I have enough paint in the box for multiple paintings. I get my drying box loaded with blank panels. I clean my brushes and reshape the hairs on them. I make sure I have extra solvent in my traveling supply box along with paper towels, bug spray, sun screen, and a hat.

I make sure all of my frames are pre-wired and the framing gun is in my car, so that I can install the paintings in frames very quickly.

I gather my promotional materials together and make sure they are in a lexan brochure box. I put the brochures and biz cards in the back of my French Easel while I am painting, so when browsers come, they can take a card or brochure.

I also do an email announcement about the paint out before the event and I send out a few post cards to patrons in the area where I will be painting.

If the Paint Out is far from home, I make sure to have enough clean clothes with me so that I don't have to worry about doing laundry. I take an extra pair of comfortable shoes in case the other pair gets wet.

I find that taking the time to do these chores, really helps the paint out experience to be wonderful."

Linda Blondheim

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